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Pittsburgh Artist of the Week: Tony From Bowling

Ryan Nichols

Tony From Bowling is a crushingly loud psychedelic rock band formed while its members attended West Virginia University. Now residing in Pittsburgh, they recently released the album "Appear." Their song “Found Out” is a celebration of staying up all night.

Tony From Bowling recently spoke with WYEP's Joey Spehar.

What’s your musical history up to this point?  

Rob: We’ve been a band for about six years, three-fourths of us (Rob, Max, Morgan) started in West Virginia when we were in college at WVU. Ryan is the only one of us from Pittsburgh, but we’ve all lived here for a little over a year now. We’ve always just played as many shows as possible and tried to meet cool people.

How do you describe your sound? 

Rob: Loud psychedelic rock n roll. We love garage rock and classic rock.

Tell us more about the song "Found Out." What inspired you to write it and what does it mean to you?  

Rob: We really worked and messed with that one a lot, but it ended up being similar to the acoustic demo version. Ryan helped me punch it up a little bit, but other than that it remained how it was originally. I wrote it at a time when I was really trying to be more concise and to-the-point with what I was making, more of a traditional pop song format rather than an improvisational free jam kind of thing. To me it’s pretty much just a song about staying up all night.

What was the first album that really changed your life? 

Rob: Probably Nirvana, "In Utero," when I was a teenager.

Max: The Beatles, "White Album"

Morgan: Jimi Hendrix, "Axis: Bold As Love"

Who are some other Pittsburgh artists you think more people should listen to?

Giovanni Orsini, Snarling Dogs, Blinder

Any other super interesting things about you we should know?   

Max: This band has nothing to do with bowling.

Eric Stevens

Tony From Bowling are:

Rob Potesta - guitar/vocals
Ryan Hartman - guitar/vocals
Max Bridges - drums
Morgan Kashon - bass

Joey Spehar is a Pittsburgh native who started as a volunteer D.J. at WYEP, fresh out of college in 2006. He took on any job they’d let him do like editing audio, engineering remote broadcasts, and shoveling snow.