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Pittsburgh Artist of the Week: The Buckle Downs

Pittsburgh band The Buckle Downs put out a couple of new songs recently with the promise of more to come. The group, built around vocalist Kiki Brown-Sherman, continues to push themselves to find their sound as they approach their 10th year together as a band.

Guitarist Ernie Francestine recently spoke with WYEP's Joey Spehar.

What’s your musical history up to this point?   

We are coming up on ten years as a band and this feels like the most realized music we've made in that time. We've got more songs that are coming soon that sound like... we've always wanted to sound. It’s difficult juggling everything in life with music, but when we are able to hit on something that feels real and true to what we are looking for, it’s worth it.

How do you describe your sound?

The sound is focused on Kiki’s ability as a vocalist and lyricist. I try to arrange the music in an interesting way around that to compliment what she has but also be unexpected. I think there is a unique quality to our music that doesn’t fit nicely into a box, and I've always liked that.

Tell us more about the song "Unstoppable." What inspired you to write it and what does it mean to you?  

“Unstoppable” was created morphing a few different ideas together and trying to to combine a longer song with a more traditional sound and trying to build throughout the entire song.

What’s the first album that really changed your life?

The first album that really changed my life was probably "Nevermind" when I was eight or nine years old. I remember earnestly wearing the tape out and being so impressed (as I still am) at how everything had a hook, even the drums. The next one came in high school "Exile On Main Street," still the king of Stones records. It’s got everything anyone could want in a rock n roll record, and I feel like it gave me permission to explore different styles of music under the same project. I still have no idea how they made that concrete basement in France sound so good.

Who are some other Pittsburgh artists you think more people should listen to?

Sweat is my fav. Pittsburgh band - they rule.

The Buckle Downs are:

Damien Detroia – Bass
Ernie Francestine – Guitar
Dave Filonuk – Keys
Matt Mittleman – Drums
Kiki Brown-Sherman – Vocals

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Joey Spehar is a Pittsburgh native who started as a volunteer D.J. at WYEP, fresh out of college in 2006. He took on any job they’d let him do like editing audio, engineering remote broadcasts, and shoveling snow.